Product Data (Full)

For the /get_products endpoint in the 2050 Materials API, the following filter options and output fields are included.

Filtering the data

Filter Options & Examples
  • sort_by: "Sort By (Available options are - carbon_sorting, latest, recycled_content, recyclable_content, update & created)"

  • group_by: "Products are grouped by (Available options are - company_name, product_type, material, manufacturing_location, continent, price_range, building_applications, building_types, certification_types)"

  • mf_unit: "Include dictionary with material facts in specified units. Accepts a single value or multiple values. Use 'all' to include all units. For example, to express material facts in square meters and square feet, use mf_unit=m2&mf_unit=ft2'"

  • name: "Search with the full or partial name of the product"

  • product_type: "Product Type Ids (e.g. product_type=2 or product_type=2&product_type=3)"

  • product_type_family: "Product Type Family Ids (e.g. product_type_family=3 or product_type_family=2&product_type_family=3)"

  • material_types: "Material Types Ids (e.g. material_types=4 or material_types=2&material_types=3)"

  • material_type_family: "Material Types Family Ids (e.g. material_type_family=3 or material_type_family=2&material_type_family=3)"

  • building_applications: "Building Applications Ids (e.g. building_applications=4 or building_applications=2&building_applications=3)"

  • company: "Company Ids (e.g. company=4 or company=22&company=23)"

  • building_types: "Building Types Ids (e.g. building_types=4 or building_types=2&building_types=3])"

  • fire_performance: "Fire Performance Name (e.g. fire_performance=A1 or fire_performance=A2&fire_performance=A1)"

  • manufacturing_country: "Manufacturing Country Ids (e.g. manufacturing_country=4 or manufacturing_country=United States)"

  • continent: "Continent Ids (e.g. continent=5 or continent=2&continent=3)"

  • certificate_type: "Certificate Type Ids (e.g. certificate_type=2or certificate_type=2&certificate_type=3)"

  • certificate_type_family: "Certificate Type Family Ids (e.g. certificate_type_family=1or certificate_type_family=2&certificate_type_family=3)"

  • norm_price: "Norm Price Ids (e.g. norm_price=4 or norm_price=2&norm_price=3)"

  • product_url: "Retrieve product data for a specific URL from the 2050 Materials platform (e.g. product_url="")

  • compliances: "compliances (e.g. compliances=EN 15804)"

  • updated_after: "Products updated after a date (e.g. updated_after=2022-12-31)"

  • updated_before: "Products updated before a date (e.g. updated_before=2022-12-31)"

  • created_after: "Products created after a date (e.g. created_after=2022-12-31)"

  • created_before: "Products created before a date (e.g. created_before=2022-12-31)"

  • created_between: "Products created during date range (e.g. created_between=2022-12-31,2023-12-31)"

  • updated_between: "Products updated during date range (e.g. updated_between=2022-12-31,2023-12-31)"

  • unique_product_uuid_v2: "Searching specific product with UUID (2050 Materials unique id) (e.g. unique_product_uuid_v2=ac22f2a4-f960-11ed-92ea-0242ac120004)"

  • certificate_expires_before :Products, which haver data source (certificates) expired before (e.g. certificate_expires_before=2024-12-31)

  • certificate_expires_after : Products, which haver data source (certificates) expired before (e.g. certificate_expires_after=2024-12-31)

Output Fields in the Response

The output fields include a wide range of information about each product, which we categorize below in groups.

Product Fields

Product Fields

  • unique_product_uuid_v2

    • Description: Unique Product UUID

  • name

    • Description: Product name

  • description

    • Description: Product description

  • company

    • Description: Company name

  • group_elements_nrm_1

    • Description: Group Elements NRM 1

  • elements_nrm_1

    • Description: Elements NRM 1

  • product_type

    • Description: Product Type

  • product_type_family

    • Description: Product Type Family

  • material_type

    • Description: Material Type

  • building_applications

    • Description: Building Applications

  • building_types

    • Description: Building Types

  • material_type_family

    • Description: Material Type Family

  • manufacturing_location

    • Description: Manufacturing Location

  • country

    • Description: Country

  • city

    • Description: City

  • manufacturing_continent

    • Description: Manufacturing Continent

  • product_url

    • Description: Product URL

  • product_slug

    • Description: Product Slug

  • updated

    • Description: Product Updated

  • certificate_url

    • Description: Certificate URL

  • work_section_caws

    • Description: Common Arrangement of Work Sections (CAWS)

  • csi_masterformat

    • Description: Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat

  • uniclass_systems

    • Description: Uniclass Systems

  • uniclass_products

    • Description: Uniclass

Material Facts (simplified EPD fields)

Material Facts (simplified EPD fields)

  • total_co2e_kg_mf

    • Description: Total Fossil Carbon (stages reported)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • total_co2e_kg_mf_corrected

    • Description: Corrected Total Fossil Carbon (stages reported)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • total_biogenic_co2e

    • Description: Total Biogenic Carbon

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • total_biogenic_co2e_corrected

    • Description: Corrected Total Biogenic Carbon

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • manufacturing

    • Description: Fossil Carbon (A1-A3)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • manufacturing_corrected

    • Description: Corrected Fossil Carbon (A1-A3)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • on_site_installation

    • Description: Fossil Carbon (A5)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • use_and_maintenance

    • Description: Fossil Carbon (B1-B5)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • end_of_life

    • Description: Fossil Carbon (C1, C3, C4)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • end_of_life_corrected

    • Description: Corrected Fossil Carbon (C1, C3, C4)

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • water_use_kg

    • Description: Freshwater use (A1-A3)

    • Unit: kg

  • recycled_content

    • Description: Recycled Content

    • Unit: %

  • recyclable_content

    • Description: Recyclable Content

    • Unit: %

  • reuse_potential

    • Description: Re-use Potential

    • Unit: %

  • energy_recovery_possibility

    • Description: Energy Recovery Possibility

    • Unit: %

  • odp

    • Description: Ozone Depletion Potential (A1-A3)

    • Unit: mg CFC 11-equivalent

  • data_source

    • Description: Data Source

  • compliances

    • Description: Compliances

  • declared_unit

    • Description: Declared Unit

  • language

    • Description: Language

  • data_source_link__date_of_issue

    • Description: Date of Issue

  • data_source_link__certificate_expiry

    • Description: Certificate Expiry Date

  • data_source_link__certificate_type__family__name

    • Description: Certificate Type

  • mass_per_declared_unit

    • Description: Mass per Declared Unit

  • mass_per_declared_unit_estimated

    • Description: Mass per Declared Unit (Estimated)

  • plant_or_group

    • Description: Plant or Group

  • certificate_subtype

    • Description: Certificate Subtype

Expanded LCA Information from EPDs

Input Table EPD Fields

  • net_fresh_water_use

    • Description: Use of net fresh water

    • Short Name: FW

    • Unit: kg

  • non_renewable_primary_energy

    • Description: Use of non-renewable primary energy

    • Short Name: PENRE

    • Unit: MJ

  • non_renewable_primary_energy_raw_materials

    • Description: Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials

    • Short Name: PENRM

    • Unit: MJ

  • non_renewable_secondary_fuels

    • Description: Use of non-renewable secondary fuels

    • Short Name: NRSF

    • Unit: MJ

  • renewable_primary_energy

    • Description: Use of renewable primary energy

    • Short Name: PERE

    • Unit: MJ

  • renewable_primary_energy_raw_materials

    • Description: Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials

    • Short Name: PERM

    • Unit: MJ

  • renewable_secondary_fuels

    • Description: Use of renewable secondary fuels

    • Short Name: RSF

    • Unit: MJ

  • secondary_material_use

    • Description: Use of secondary material

    • Short Name: SM

    • Unit: kg

  • total_non_renewable_primary_energy

    • Description: Total use of non-renewable primary energy resource

    • Short Name: PENRT

    • Unit: MJ

  • total_renewable_primary_energy

    • Description: Total use of renewable primary energy resources

    • Short Name: PERT

    • Unit: MJ

Output Table EPD Fields

  • components_for_reuse

    • Description: Components for re-use

    • Short Name: CRU

    • Unit: kg

  • exported_electrical_energy

    • Description: Exported electrical energy

    • Short Name: EEE

    • Unit: MJ

  • exported_thermal_energy

    • Description: Exported thermal energy

    • Short Name: EET

    • Unit: MJ

  • hazardous_waste_disposed

    • Description: Hazardous waste disposed

    • Short Name: HWD

    • Unit: kg

  • materials_for_energy_recovery

    • Description: Materials for energy recovery

    • Short Name: MER

    • Unit: kg

  • materials_for_recycling

    • Description: Materials for recycling

    • Short Name: MFR

    • Unit: kg

  • non_hazardous_waste_disposed

    • Description: Non-hazardous waste dispose

    • Short Name: NHWD

    • Unit: kg

  • radioactive_waste_disposed

    • Description: Radioactive waste disposed

    • Short Name: RWD

    • Unit: kg

Impact Table EPD Fields

  • abiotic_depletion_potential_fossil

    • Description: Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources

    • Short Name: ADPF

    • Unit: MJ

  • abiotic_depletion_potential_non_fossil

    • Description: Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources

    • Short Name: ADPE

    • Unit: kg Sb-equivalent

  • acidification_potential

    • Description: Acidification potential of soil and water

    • Short Name: AP

    • Unit: kg SO2-equivalent

  • ozone_depletion_potential

    • Description: Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer

    • Short Name: ODP

    • Unit: mg CFC 11-equivalent

  • eutrophication_potential

    • Description: Eutrophication potential

    • Short Name: EP

    • Unit: kg Phosphate-equivalent

  • formation_potential_of_tropospheric_ozone

    • Description: Formation potential of tropospheric ozone

    • Short Name: POCP

    • Unit: kg NMVOC-equivalent

  • global_warming_potential_fossil

    • Description: Global warming potential, Fossil

    • Short Name: GWP-f

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • global_warming_potential_biogenic

    • Description: Global warming potential, Biogenic

    • Short Name: GWP-b

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • global_warming_potential_luluc

    • Description: Global warming potential, LULUC (Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry)

    • Short Name: GWP-luluc

    • Unit: kg CO2-equivalent

  • water_deprivation_potential

    • Description: Water (user) deprivation potential

    • Short Name: WDP

    • Unit: m3 world-equivalent

Non-Environmental Product Data

Physical Properties

  • density

    • Description: Density

    • Unit: kg/m3

  • density_estimated

    • Description: Density Estimated?

  • grammage

    • Description: Specific Density

    • Unit: kg/m2

  • grammage_estimated

    • Description: Specific Density Estimated?

  • linear_density

    • Description: Linear Density

    • Unit: kg/m

  • linear_density_estimated

    • Description: Linear Density Estimated?

  • mass_per_piece

    • Description: Mass per piece

    • Unit: kg

  • mass_per_piece_estimated

    • Description: Mass per piece Estimated?

  • thickness

    • Description: Thickness

    • Unit: m

  • thickness_estimated

    • Description: Thickness Estimated?

  • cross_sectional_area

    • Description: Cross sectional area

    • Unit: m2

  • cross_sectional_area_estimated

    • Description: Cross sectional area Estimated?

  • mass_per_declared_unit

    • Description: Mass per declared unit

    • Unit: kg/DU

  • mass_per_declared_unit_estimated

    • Description: Mass per declared unit Estimated?

  • scaling_factors

    • Description: Scaling Factors for Unit Conversion. This dictionary maps target units (keys) to their corresponding scaling factors (values). To convert a value from a declared unit to one of these target units, divide the value by the scaling factor associated with the target unit. Each scaling factor specifies how much one unit of the declared unit is equivalent to in the target unit, facilitating accurate and consistent unit conversions.

Technical Parameters

  • retail_price

    • Description: Price Range

  • fire_performance

    • Description: Fire Performance

  • color

    • Description: Colour

  • steel_grade

    • Description: Steel grade

  • u_value

    • Description: U-Value

    • Unit: w/m2k

  • acoustic_performance

    • Description: Acoustic Performance

    • Unit: dB

  • maintenance

    • Description: Maintenance

    • Unit: Frequency

  • porosity

    • Description: Porosity

    • Unit: %

  • life_expectancy

    • Description: Life expectancy

    • Unit: years

  • warranty

    • Description: Warranty

    • Unit: years

  • compression_strength

    • Description: Compression Strength

  • impact_strength

    • Description: Impact Strength

  • thermal_conductivity

    • Description: Thermal Conductivity

  • texture

    • Description: Texture

  • elasticity_plasticity

    • Description: Elasticity Plasticity

  • abrasion_resistance

    • Description: Abrasion Resistance

  • corrosion_resistance

    • Description: Corrosion Resistance

  • weathering_resistance

    • Description: Weathering Resistance

  • typical_lead_time

    • Description: Typical Lead Time

  • slip_resistance

    • Description: Slip Resistance

  • solar_heat_gain_coefficient

    • Description: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

  • concrete_mix

    • Description: Concrete Mix

  • consistence_class

    • Description: Consistence Class

Other Information

LCA Modules Information

  • A1 - Description: Raw material supply: Extraction and processing of raw materials.

  • A2 - Description: Transport to the manufacturer: Transportation of raw materials to the factory.

  • A3 - Description: Manufacturing: The manufacturing process of the product.

  • A1A2A3 - Description: Product stage combined: Covers raw material extraction, transport to the manufacturer, and manufacturing combined.

  • A4 - Description: Transport to the construction site: Transportation of the construction product to the building site.

  • A5 - Description: Installation in the building: The process of installing the product into the building during construction.

  • B1 - Description: Use: The use of the product during the buildingโ€™s life, including maintenance and energy use.

  • B2 - Description: Maintenance: Activities involved in maintaining the product during its life cycle.

  • B3 - Description: Repair: The repair of the product, if necessary, during its life cycle.

  • B4 - Description: Replacement: The replacement of the product during the buildingโ€™s life cycle.

  • B5 - Description: Refurbishment: Refurbishment or renovation of the building/product.

  • B6 - Description: Operational energy use: The energy used by the product during its operational life.

  • B7 - Description: Operational water use: The water used by the product during its operational life.

  • C1 - Description: Deconstruction: The process of deconstructing the building at the end of its life.

  • C2 - Description: Transportation of waste: Transport of demolished materials and products.

  • C3 - Description: Waste processing: Processing of waste materials for disposal or recycling.

  • C4 - Description: Disposal: Final disposal of waste materials.

  • D - Description: Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary: Credits for recycling, energy recovery, etc.

Additional Information about the endpoint

  • The API uses JWT authentication and requires the user to be authenticated.

  • The endpoint supports pagination

  • The API handles different user roles and permissions, with specific access and rate limits.

  • Various response statuses are managed, including "200 OK" for successful requests, "401 Unauthorized" for access issues, and "429 Too Many Requests" for rate limit exceeding.

This endpoint offers an extensive and detailed overview of products, enabling users to make informed decisions based on sustainability, technical specifications, and compliance standards in the construction industry.

Last updated