Generic Material Data

For the /get_generic_materials endpoint in the 2050 Materials API, the following filter options and output fields are included

Filter options

  1. product_types uses ID (use get_generic_material_filters to see IDs)

  2. material_type uses ID (use get_generic_material_filters to see IDs)

  3. building_applications uses ID (use get_generic_material_filters to see IDs)

  4. material_name uses a string which matches the exact or partial material name

  5. data_sourceuses a string which matches the exact or partial data_source name (e.g. data_source=CLF-Material-Baselines (2023-04)) or the ID (use get_generic_material_filters for the IDs and full list)

Output Fields

  1. id: Unique identifier of the material.

  2. source_uuid: Unique identifier of the data source (e.g. KBOB, or Γ–KOBAUDAT)

  3. material_name: Name of the material.

  4. group_elements_nrm_1: Group elements according to NRM 1 standards.

  5. elements_nrm_1: Elements according to NRM 1 standards.

  6. product_type: Type of product associated with the material.

  7. material_type: Type of the material.

  8. data_source: Source of the data.

  9. functional_unit_quantity: Quantity of the functional unit.

  10. functional_unit_unit: Unit of the functional unit (options are: "m3", "piece", "kg", "m2", "m")

  11. total_co2e_kg_mf: Total CO2 equivalent emissions in kg at the manufacturing stage.

  12. total_biogenic_co2e: Total biogenic CO2 equivalent emissions.

  13. carbon_a1a3: Fossil Carbon for stages A1-A3 in kg CO2 equivalent.

  14. carbon_a5: Fossil Carbon for stage A5 in kg CO2 equivalent.

  15. carbon_b1b5: Fossil Carbon for stages B1-B5 in kg CO2 equivalent.

  16. carbon_c1c4: Fossil Carbon for stages C1-C4 in kg CO2 equivalent.

  17. freshwater_use_a1a3: Freshwater use in stages A1-A3.

  18. recycled_content: Percentage of recycled content in the material.

  19. recyclable_content: Percentage of the material that is recyclable.

  20. reuse_potential: Potential for reuse of the material.

  21. energy_recovery_possibility: Possibility of energy recovery from the material.

  22. odp: Ozone Depletion Potential.

  23. density: Density of the material.

  24. grammage: Grammage of the material.

  25. thickness: Thickness of material in m.

  26. grey_energy_total: Grey Energy Total [kWh oil-eq].

  27. grey_energy_fabrication_total: Grey Energy Fabrication Total [kWh oil-eq].

  28. grey_energy_recovery_fabrication: Grey Energy Recovery Fabrication [kWh oil-eq].

  29. grey_energy_material_recovery_fabrication: Grey Energy Material Recovery Fabrication [kWh oil-eq].

  30. grey_energy_elimination: Grey Energy Elimination [kWh oil-eq].

  31. created: Date of datapoint creation.

  32. updated: Date of datapoint last update.

Additional Information

  • The API uses JWT authentication and requires the user to be authenticated.

  • The endpoint supports pagination

  • Different user roles and permissions are handled, with specific access and rate limits.

  • Various response statuses are managed, including "200 OK" for successful requests, "401 Unauthorized" for access issues, and "429 Too Many Requests" for rate limit exceeding.

This endpoint provides a detailed overview of generic materials, including environmental impacts and technical specifications, which is vital for users focused on sustainability and environmental impact in the construction and building materials industry.

Last updated